Our Services

Embrace support to see them thrive

How we help

munchkin allied health kids children therapy speech whittlesea south morang

Speech Pathology

Play-based therapy that targets all aspects of communication including speech, language, multimodal communication, social skills, fluency, and literacy.
Our speech pathologist uses evidence-based practise to plan fun, specialised activities to target the goals discussed in your initial assessment and moves at the pace of your child. Children will often participate in a warm up game and may even get some homework to practise for the next session.

Clients may experience progress in the following areas:

  • Using more words or sign
  • Living less frustrated
  • More successful engagement in play and with peers
  • Feeling more confident
  • Becoming more engaged in their environment
  • Feeling confident to communicate their needs and wants
  • Saying words for the first time
  • Pronouncing their words more clearly
munchkin allied health kids children therapy speech whittlesea south morang

Occupational Therapy

An evidence-based therapy targeting the ability to engage in activities necessary for daily living including bathing, dressing, eating and toileting, as well as fine and gross motor skills, and sensory and emotional regulation.
After outlining the challenges and goals identified from our initial assessment, our therapist works through a series of physical activities with your child to help them strengthen, stabilise, and engage their mind, body and emotions for the tasks at hand. Working through any external and internal factors that are preventing your child from engaging in daily activities to their fullest potential, our therapist brings in exercise balls, playmats, and fun activities like arts and crafts to subtly address any areas of concern.

Our clients engaging and participating in everyday life in ways that they couldn’t before. For some this may look like:

  • Improving their fine motor skills including cutting, pasting, writing, and colouring independently
  • Engaging and sticking to routines
  • Sleeping better
  • Moving through transitions and change with ease
  • Looking after their physical health, appearance, and cleanliness

Thinking it’s time to enquire for support?

You don’t need to have a referral or diagnosis to access help or a professional opinion.

Below are just some of the reasons you may feel it’s time to reach out for support:

  • Your child is presenting with some challenging behaviour or is struggling to manage their emotions
  • Your child isn’t sleeping, or toileting as expected for their age
  • You’re concerned about their development or whether they are meeting their milestones
  • You’re having a hard time understanding what your child is saying
  • Your child is experiencing lots of frustration around communication
  • Your kids are struggling to interact with other kids their age or establish successful friendships

If you are noticing any of the above, we’d love to come alongside you on your journey and give you the support you need.

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